Meet Greg Phillips
Owner of GLP Enterprise LLC and Creator of GLP Equipping Black Men Enterprise Non Profit
As a Single Father, Greg successfully raised his children to be productive and effective. He instilled life principles in them that, according to his daughter Angel, will last for generations. Greg's business and non profit focus are to challenge and equip black men to become better men so that they can become better fathers that will have a lasting influence in their children's lives.
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“Battling for Everything and Planning to Win” is passionate book written with the head and the heart of Greg Phillips. Greg meshes his life experiences with the battle of David and Goliath to give practical insights to those who are facing what seems like unsurmountable odds.
Read this book first for yourself. It will encourage you. Then, give it to someone you know who can be encouraged and inspired by it. Who that is will become obvious to you.
Greg has lived a life of ups and downs. Where he is today would have never been predicted by anyone. The deck was stacked against him and giving up or giving in is the way most would have taken. From his childhood memories to a heartbreaking divorce, Greg shares memories and lessons that leveraged his battle and determination to win. It becomes evident that he may not have always walked with God but God was always with him even at the darkest times.
G. Myer

Battling for Everything and Planning to Win, is a powerful and thought-provoking book. Even though the author wrote this book as a challenge to black men this is a must read for everyone from all walks of life young and old. This book will inspire you to become all that God has destined for you despite the difficulties experienced in life. The author does a great job with incorporating his personal challenges over the span of a 40-year period which includes the good, the bad and the ugly. The reader is bought into Greg’s personal life, his battles and his determination to fight for a better life. As you turn each page, you’ll see how the author allowed God to transform his adversities into blessings. Instead of becoming the victim due to his challenges, Greg chose to take a step back to reflect on his life so that he can gain perspective on what was really going on on the inside. As you will see that moment of reflection was critical as it bought a deeper level of understanding of self. The author sites scriptures related to the life of David. This is used to illustrate that there were many battles that David fought but he never used excuses and he never displayed a victim’s mentality. The book offers valuable information and insight and the realization that it is not what happens to us but how we respond to it truly makes the difference in our lives. The main message I gleaned from this book is that life has its challenges but we must face them and strive to never give in and never give up.
Valarie L.
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The Black Community's Paradigm Shifter
Means the following:
1. Greg is shifting focus from the external to the internal of the black community to solve the
community's persistent problems.
2. Greg is shifting to black men--The problem and The solution-- to help solve the black
community's persistent problems.
3. Greg is shifting to challenge and equip black men to make authentic changes in their lives to
be better men so that they can be better fathers.
4. Greg is shifting to a spiritual focus that has the potential to change every aspect of black men's
lives to give them power to take charge of their lives.
5. Greg is shifting because the black race is on the cusp of another "Great Negro Migration."
However, this migration is not a geographical migration, but a spiritual inward migration.